Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome to Memphis Bars!

About the Reviewer:
My name is Ryan, I'm a local 23 year old, fresh out of college, who wants to get to know Memphis' night life a little better. I've heard too many people say, "Memphis is a boring city" for me to keep quiet any longer, and I'd like to prove to myself and others that there are amazing places (and not so amazing places) that probably haven't even been discovered yet.

How do I review? I try to take note of things that just about everybody looks for in a bar, whether they know it or not. I also try to keep in mind all the different types of people that may want to visit. This includes college students, out-of-towners, the couple celebrating their anniversary with a few drinks, the suburbians, the midtowners... Obviously I can't cater to every group, so I have found the best way for me to do this is to present it as I see it. Hopefully after reading a review, you have a good idea of what the bar is about, and what they have to offer you.

Also, once a bar has been reviewed, the review isn't permanent. If I go back and experience something totally different, I will change both the review and the rating. This can be good or bad, but I believe 'living reviews' are the only way to do it.

If out of towners are interested in a specific bar, I'd love to try to review it before you make the trip. Additionally, if you want to critique the way I review, just send me an email and let me know what's up.

I'm not paid to do this, the bars I'm reviewing don't know I'm coming, and they also don't know me, so they don't have any influence in my decision. But if you do wanna pay me...

People read these reviews and hopefully they find them at least semi-useful. As I review more bars, hopefully more people will stumble across this site. If you're interested in gaining some exposure, I'd be more than happy to discuss throwing up a banner on the side of the page. I don't have a set price, but for now, I'll accept what you believe is a fair cost for the traffic I receive. How does that sound? If you're curious, email me.

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